
October 31, 2014

"Champions of Industry", hosted by Jimmy Johnson, is creating a new segment on Financial Literacy  


Finances is very important for everyone ranging from the average college student to the CEO of a major corporation. Without proper financial assistance and guidance, an individual can expect to run into monetary problems later on down the line. While some people have more money and others less, knowing how it is possible to spend and save this money is vital to the financial freedom of such a person. This is why everyone needs financial literacy. Without it, each and every person is going to struggle with their own finances and, in the end, run into all sorts of different money problems.

The public television series "Champions of Industry," hosted by Jimmy Johnson is producing a segment around financial literacy. With the change in finances and how people make a living continually changing, it is very important to always stay on top of a person's money, how they save it and how they spend it. The segment focuses in on new money saving trends and how it is possible to improve a person's financial stability with only a few different changes and alterations to their current methods.

"Champions of Industry" is an award winning series that is not affiliated with PBS, but is instead segment distributed to both public and commercial television stations. The program itself has won 85 Telly Awards over the last decade and continues to look into society and industry changes around the world.


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